Veritas Entertainment

Entry 16: Constitution

Andy sent through the draft constitution for Contained The Movie Pty Ltd.

So why is this so important?

This document represents the brilliance of his approach to The Film Distillery, Pre Accelerator and Accelerator and why that company and those programs will change the face of the Australian film industry forever. Attending Pod classes at the campus grounds could give you an inkling of what was possible. Getting the tour of the Distillery offices there can get you excited about the possible future, but reading through the constitution absolutely seals it. I’m sure that to most people, it would appear to be a dry, fairly boring legal document that people are forced to read to facilitate a deal.

But it’s so much more than that.

It’s Andy putting his money where his mouth is. It details how fundraising with private equity will mirror tech start up plans, with full transparency for investors as to what their money buys them in the form of risk and potential profits. It details how, as a story creator who is willing and able to stand as a producer, the relationship between our company and The Film Distillery is beyond fair and equitable – it is literally designed to be a platform that can springboard us into successful careers, from an environment of safety and legitimate support.

Tonight was the first chance I had to properly read through it. When I finished my first pass at it a thought entered my head completely unbidden. “I will never get a deal as good as this again,” my internal voice said to me. “I might get one as fair, but I will never get one as supportive.”

I got up to make a coffee and digest what I had read. When I sat back down in front of my computer to read it over again, I found myself feeling really grateful. Not for the deal – I was grateful as soon as I started reading that. No, this new feeling of being grateful was that I knew just enough, had just enough life experience, to properly value what Andy was offering me and Ryan and anyone else lucky enough to be selected to participate in this initiative. I was grateful that I could appreciate it.

I called Ryan and he agreed with my view on it. We talked about how cool it was to see the manifestation of everything that Andy promised to us all at the start of POD, right there in black and white. The Film Distillery exists to facilitate the start of careers. Long may it continue.

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